
Sara Lorenzini

Sara Lorenzini

Sara Lorenzini is an Associate Professor of International History at the School of International Studies of the University of Trento, Italy. Her research interests include Cold War History, Decolonization, North-South relations. She is the author of several monographs, including Una strana guerra fredda (2017), L’Italia e il trattato di pace del 1947 (2007), Due Germanie in Africa (2003). Recent publications include: S. Lorenzini (2017, 3), “Ace in the hole or hole in the pocket? The Italian Mezzogiorno and the story of a troubled transition from development model to development donor”, Contemporary European History, 2017,3; S. Lorenzini, “Ecologia a parole? L’Italia, l’ambientalismo globale e il rapporto ambiente-sviluppo intorno alla conferenza di Stoccolma”, in Contemporanea (2016, 3).


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